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The Tension of Opposites

"The uncertainty principle—which states that the more precisely you measure one quantity, the less precisely you can know another associated quantity—may rule modern sciences, but the rise of absolutism tends to characterize politics, religion, and public discourse. People often emphasize simple statements of opinion by adding, “Absolutely.” It is as if the deepening of uncertainty and mind-boggling increase of complexity in most areas of life must be counteracted by statements of absolutism when it comes to preferences or opinions. It is not just the atom that became split in the course of modern discoveries; the world itself has become more divided and essentially polarized.

Modern life not only moves faster and faster, but things polarize very quickly and anything can suddenly become an issue through which people experience a radical sense of the tension of opposing forces. An increasing tension of opposites that seems about to tear everything apart is one of the ways that the world roars at everyone at this time. Back and forth we are thrown as each side of an issue is presented as the only way to go and as the opposing forces intensify, it seems that a choice must be made.

Yet being one-sided about a true dilemma only delays or intensifies the issue at hand. Each time one side of a dilemma is chosen, the other side will resurface with a vengeance as the conflict will only return at a deeper level at some later time. The moment that we predetermine the meaning or the outcome of the issues that life places in our path, we deprive ourselves of the immediacy of the spirit of life and at the same time lose the genuine humility and open-mindedness required for learning and real change.

"Moral crises and ethical dilemmas form the crucibles for growth and transformation for societies as well as individuals."

Avoiding the teeth of the dilemma by picking one side prematurely produces only a temporary release of stress and most often creates greater conflict as the opposing side comes to be seen as the enemy of one’s own safety or security. Ideologies and abstract systems of belief try to predetermine the “right” choices to make; yet genuine ethical challenges begin where either choice can be seen as right or wrong, where both ways can be seen as necessary in some way. In this world, good and bad tend to be mixed. Only by suffering the tension that grows between one thing and another can a person learn what is trying to surface and become known.

The problem is not simply the presence of painful dilemmas and the increase of opposing forces; the problem is that most pick one side and try to prove that side to be right before the tension of the opposites becomes truly creative. A creative tension underlies everything in this world made of darkness and light, left and right, and life and death. Either the opposing energies are aimed at some as yet unseen solution, or the world is a hopelessly divided and unredeemable place. Going towards the roar means facing the increasing tension of dilemmas - involving both nature and culture - as the underlying polarities of life become more revealed. A meaningful dilemma will keep returning at deeper and deeper levels until a creative solution is sought and consequently becomes discovered. It is as if the basic split in the world must be touched before the hidden third and unifying thing can be uncovered.

"Only when a person can experience both sides simultaneously and hold the tension long enough does a surprising third thing appear that allows a true solution."

Genuine change and meaningful transformation are the secret aims of the tension inside life and the dilemmas that constantly arise. Despite notions of an accidental universe, life is not pointless; the tension of the opposites secretly hints at a “hidden third” behind all dichotomies. The purpose of the elemental oppositions in this world is to stimulate life itself; the hidden aim of all oppositions is to keep creation continuing.

The third thing trying to appear and become consciously known not only relieves the tension, but also renews and revitalizes life at another level. Mythically speaking, the third time and the third thing are always the “charm.” Charm means “magic spell, incantation, a song or enchantment.” When situations become completely polarized, the magic touch, the breath of inspiration, and the song of life that can dispel the sense of disenchantment are lacking. Caught in the trap of literalism and blinded by ideologies, the modern world has lost the enchantment of existence and the touch of the eternal. No amount of reason or dogma or blind belief can substitute for the charm, wonder, and mystery of immediate life.

Life roars at us when it wants or needs us to change. Ultimately, change means transformation, a shifting from one form to another that involves the magic of creation. The trouble with entrenched oppositions is that each side becomes increasingly one-sided and single-minded and unable to grow or meaningfully change. In the blindness of fear and the willfulness of abstract beliefs, people forget or reject the unseen, yet essential unity that underlies all the oppositions in life. Whereas blind oppositions lead either to explosions or a slow draining of energy, consciously accepting the tension of opposing views can lead to a surprising vitality and hidden qualities trying to be born into the world. For despite all the oppositions and conflicts, all the disasters and betrayals, this world remains a place of small redemptions and ongoing creation."

- Michael Meade, "Why the World Doesn't End"

Used with permission.

To learn more about Michael and his work, visit his website:

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